Situationen i Syrien er stadig farlig, ikke mindst for civile. Assad styret fortsætter sine overgreb mod egen befolkning – også mod kvinder og børn. Op imod 7000 uskyldige civile sidder fængslet udelukkende med henblik på at presse deres familier til at følge regimets vilje. De har brug for vores opmærksomhed og støtte.
Deltag i konferencen “Syria what’s next?”, hvor en række danske og internationale talere vil bære vidnesbyrd om den aktuelle situation i Syrien. Du kan bl.a. møde:
• Daniel Rye, den danske fotograf, der sad som gidsel i 398 dage hos terrororganisationen Islamisk Stat i Syrien. Den anmelderroste film “Ser du månen, Daniel” skildrer lige nu hans kamp for overlevelse og frihed i de danske biografer.
• Zwelivelile “Mandla” Mandela, der er Nelson Mandelas barnebarn og MP i det sydafrikanske parlament samt høvding i Mvezo Traditional Council. Undertrykkelsen af og krigsforbrydelserne imod det syriske folk ligger ham meget på sinde.
• Abdulrahman Almawwas fra White Helmets. En frivillig organisation, der opererer som redningstjeneste i de oprørsbesatte områder i Syrien og Tyrkiet.
• Fawaz T. Alzatto, syrisk flygtning, skolelærer og medstifter af Venligboerne. Han er en aktiv brobygger og har holdt foredrag landet rundt.
• Martin Thaulow stifter af Refugee.Today. Som professionel fotograf og visual artist giver han flygtninge en stemme til at fortælle deres historie gennem billeder og tekst.
• Sæt dem fri – en online platform lanceret af frivillige, der skaber opmærksomhed omkring brud på menneskerettigheder primært ift. kvinder og børn.
• Lahaye instituttet, der er specialiseret i træning i menneskerettighederne og forskningsstudier med fokus på Mellemøsten, kulturbåret respekt for menneskerettigheder og international lov.
• Det Syriske Kulturinstitut søger at styrke den kulturelle forståelse i Danmark, og arrangerer begivenheder, der skaber ligeværdige og trygge rum for kulturmøder på tværs af syrere og danskere.
Gennem mødet med dem og deres fortællinger vil du blive vidne til uretfærdigheden, overgrebene og behovet for hjælp samt organisationerne, der arbejder for at gøre en forskel for det syriske folk.
Konferencen Syria what’s next? finder sted lørdag den 5. oktober fra 9-17 på Professionshøjskolen Metropol, Sigurdsgade 26, 2200 København. Deltagelse i konferencen koster 85 kr. Se mere om konferencen og køb din billet her:
Syria what’s next arrangeres af Femme Future – Make it my business i samarbejde med Conscience Movement, Alseeraj Sverige, Finjan og الدنمارك من كل الزوايا – Danmark fra alle hjørner.
Overskuddet fra konferencen går til nødhjælp og støtte til kvinder i Syrien. Femme Future samarbejder med lokale frivillige nødhjælpsorganisationer i de syriske byer og flygtningelejre om hjælp til selvhjælp.
Konferencen bliver til på baggrund af støtte fra private sponsorer og billetsalg.
Experience photographer Daniel Rye and Nelson Mandela’s grandson as well as other national and international speakers at the conference ‘Syria what’s next?’, October 5th at 9 am to 5 pm at the Metropol Professional College. The conference focuses on the situation in Syria, where civilians, including women and children, are still at risk and suffering from the regime’s abuse.
The situation in Syria is still dangerous, not least for civilians. The Assad regime continues its attacks against its own population. Women and children in Syria need our attention and help. Up to 7,000 innocent civilians are jailed solely for pressuring their families to follow the regime’s will.
Participate in the conference “Syria next”, where a number of Danish and international speakers will bear testimony to the current situation in Syria. You can meet:
• Daniel Rye, the Danish photographer who was held hostage for 398 days at the Islamic State terrorist organization in Syria. The critically acclaimed movie “Do You See the Moon, Daniel” depicts his struggle for survival and freedom in Danish cinemas right now.
• Zwelivelile “Mandla” Mandela, Nelson Mandela’s grandson and MP in the South African Parliament, as well as the chief of the Mvezo Traditional Council. The oppression and war crimes against the Syrian people are very much on his mind.
• Abdulrahman Almawwas from White Helmets. A voluntary organization operating as a rescue service in the rebel-occupied areas of Syria and Turkey.
• Fawaz T. Alzatto, Syrian refugee, schoolteacher and co-founder of Friendly People. He is an active culture connecter and has lectured around the country.
• Martin Thaulow founder of Refugee.Today. As a professional photographer and visual artist, he gives refugees a voice to tell their story through images and text.
• Release them – an online platform launched by volunteers that raises awareness of human rights violations primarily in relation to women and children.
• The Lahaye Institute, which specializes in human rights training and research studies focusing on the Middle East, culture-based respect for human rights and international law.
• The Syrian Cultural Institute seeks to strengthen cultural understanding in Denmark, and organizes events that create equal and safe spaces for cultural meetings across Syrians and Danes.
Through the meeting and their tales, you will witness the injustice, the abuse and the need for help, as well as the organizations working to make a difference for the Syrian people.
The Syria what’s next? conference takes place on Saturday, October 5th from 9 am to 5 pm at Professionshøjskolen Metropol, Sigurdsgade 26, 2200 Copenhagen. Attendance at the conference costs DKK 85. Read more about the conference and buy your ticket here:
Syria what’s next? is organized by Femme Future – Make it my business in collaboration with Conscience Movement, Alseeraj Sweden, Finjan and الدنمارك منكل الزوايا – Denmark from all corners.
The proceeds from the conference go to relief and support for women in Syria. Femme Future is partnering with local volunteer relief organizations in Syrian cities and refugee camps to help self-help.
The conference is funded by support from private sponsors and ticket sales.
Deltagende organisationer/participating organizations:
المنظمات المشاركه
Femme Future – Make it my Business
AlSeeraj Sweden
White Helmets
Syrian Justice and Accountability Center
Team Humanity
Det Syriske Kulturinstitut i Danmark
Lahaye Institute for Human Rights & International Law
Sæt dem fri
Syrian Network in Denmark
5 Skoler
Seven Spices
Gelato Rajjissimo
Shamyat Halawiyat